Organization: robotixlab, private organization specialized in ‘edutainment’ Location: Thessaloniki, Greece Website: here Type of workshop: Game design as a project based learning platform Ages: 11-16 years old Description. During the workshop the participants have to analyse the attributes of a game and then brainstorm and design their very own, combining different materials and/or technologies (electronics, […]
Best Practices Greece
Discover 5 of the most innovative practices in the field of ICT, culture and education in Greece through some interviews.

Digital space-sensitive game within the city
Expert: Pantelis Tsolakos, educator Location: Athens, Greece Type of workshop: Pervasive location-sensitive educational game Ages: 11-12 years old Description. The aim of this activity is to engage the participants in exploring specific sites and information connected to them through a combination of the real and the digital world. The participants move to an important area […]

Logo in Education:
A Community of Practice and Learning
Expert: Katerina Glezou, Educator – Teachers Trainer, A΄ Arsakeio Geniko Lykeio Psychikou, Philekpaideutiki Etaireia Location: Athens – Greece Website: here Type of workshop: Incorporating online social networking services into teaching practice – Creating communities of practice and learning Ages: 14-18 years old Description This practice involves the use of educational social networks in teaching and […]

School Bullying
Organization: NOUS, Institute of Digital Learning and Communication, NGO Location: Thessaloniki, Greece Website: here Type of workshop: Use of different technological tools in order to approach a common theme Ages: 11-12 years old Description. The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness to school bullying and its consequences through the use of new techonologies. […]

POV Clock – Persistence of vision clock
Organization: UTech Lab, Technology Laboratory at Eugenides Foundation Location: Athens, Greece Website: here Type of workshop: Learning through electronics Ages: 11-16 years old Description. The workshop aims to introduce to the participants the basic principles of electronics and the open source electronics platform arduino. The students get to know the persistence of vision phenomenon (PoV) […]