The truck is equipped with scientific equipment, there are 20 work places, 30 students can listen to lectures. Not less than 10 scientific works per visit. Not less than 15 students participate in the activities at one time. Stages/ methodology: Preparatory stage: a student with the help of the teacher: a- Reads about the Young […]
Best Practices Lithuania
Discover 6 of the most innovative practices in the field of ICT, culture and education in Italy through some interviews.

Robotikos mokykla
(Robotics School)
How the idea to start the activity emerged? The founder of the school said that while travelling in Japan in 2009 he did not find robots in everyday life (only in factories and universities). He understood that smart / intelligent people form the image of the country and that we can do this in Lithuania […]

Menar’s Method
The programme is for 4-12 years children. The methodology is applied all over the world for more than 30 years. Menar employs dual hand technique in manipulating abacus beads. Findings of scientific researches demonstrate that simultaneous stimulation of both left and right brain causes a balanced development in children’s mental capacity and increases their intellectual […]

Mobile Fab-Lab
The aim of the project – to promote innovations in the education field and join the network of academic laboratories. After the participation in the conference Fab 11 in Boston it became evident that it is necessary to start doing something. The equipment is compact thus the laboratory can go to different events and schools. […]
Animation Academy
The animation academy is conducted two times per week. The learning process is based on the practical work. The 1st stage – a short introduction into animation and the tool used – Maya. Later, step by step more complex objects are being animated. The learning is based on practical training and practical tasks. The tools […]

Code Academy Kids
CodeAcademy Kids are learning the most popular programming languages orientating towards the creation of an individualised project. Presently there are 4 programmes being offered: Computer game design; Creation of websites; Creation of apps for cell phones; Creation of logotypes. There are two levels and it is possible to start without any basics of programming. The […]