Organising institution: Zaffiria Country: Italy Age: 11-13 years old Key question: How to “increase the reality” of own school and local community? Objectives: Understand and handle a tool like AR in a creative way, developing a community project. Why, when, which is the purpose of adding content to reality? Does diminished reality exist? How do you design and project with technology […]
Digital Ateliers
To do this we plan to design new “digital atelier” as a “good place” to motivate students to use ICT for personal and community benefit, developing their creative potential.
The “digital atelier” is a “workshop” in which teacher proposes ICT activities using the Alberto Manzi and Bruno Munari Methodologies. The teacher will be able to design an educational experience that starts from an ICT content (for example an app) to develop then a manual task, with tools and materials, in order to start a personal and collective research with students.
Contemporary art and installations, ICT, cultural services and common work materials will be mixed in students’ and teachers’ hands. The media content is a new space of “signification” and becomes the material of labor of the student who interacts in a diverge way.
Students are asked to use their extracurricular skills to solve problems in new ways. The attitude is that of the “researcher” who is both autonomous and involved in the group.
Each Consortium have realized 5 digital atelier, for a total number of 40 pedagogical trails. The digital workshops are at the heart of the project and form an integral part of the Intellectual Outputs.
Learn more about all of them below:

Search myself on the web
Organising institution: Zaffiria Country: Italy Age: 13 – 15 years old Key question: How to find new images and words to tell about yourself through technology? Objectives: to help building a new personal narrative for boys and girls at risk of school dropout; to experiment a creative use of technology aimed at increasing one’s ability to express oneself; to improve […]

Inclusion through digital technologies
Organising institution: Zaffiria Country: Italy Age: 11-18 years old Key question: How many different skills do you need to create a video game? Objectives: Explore students’ gaming passions to find new paths for the inclusion of students with disabilities Encourage teamwork and the integration of disabled students Give value to students’ interests, skills and creativity Use the video game […]

QR Stories
Organising institution: Zaffiria Country: Italy Age: 11-13 years old Key question: How much wonder can be hidden in a code? Designer in the library: how to create a new public service made by teenagers? Objectives: know how to create a new service for the municipal library: a book trailer shelf to promote reading among adolescents; discover divergent uses of QR codes; know […]

Interdisciplinary blocks
Organising institution: Zaffiria Country: Italy Age: 2 third classes of Secondary schools 1°grade of Crespellano and Calcara Key question: Is it possible to activate interdisciplinary connection paths through the videogame? Objectives: Promote interdisciplinary paths between technological and artistic subjects Promote teamwork Promote the ability to design three-dimensional spaces Promote presentation skills Time: 8 hours Software and apps to be used: […]

One idea, many variations
Organising institution: Karpos Country: Greece Age: from 11 to 17 Key question: How can an object or concept be visualized in different ways? Objectives: To investigate the subjectivity of the message hidden in a photograph, photo-collage or a video. Time: 6 hours Software and apps to be used: Any image and text combining software, Pic collage or Photocollage. Brief presentation: Students photograph a selected object or […]

Organising institution: Karpos Country: Greece Age: 11- 17 years Key question: Can information, data or knowledge be presented in a visual way in order to become more understandable and easily remembered by a wider audience? Objectives: To investigate visual and verbal elimination, to investigate the relation between verbal and visual communication, to experiment with the visualization of information and to be able […]

Truth or dare
Organising institution: Karpos Country: Greece Age: 12-17 years Key question: How easy is to build and share your own news campaign through media? How simple is to become fake news victims and how we can protect ourselves? Objectives: Introduction to the recent concept of “fake news” in the digital world of information. Experimentation with visual communication tools, such poster […]

Qr code workshop
Organising institution: Karpos Country: Greece Age: 11-17 Key question: How can I hide information and create a campaign? Objectives: To use technology (in this case QR codes) creatively, to learn how to combine different media, to combine different aspects of reality (digital and analogue), to experiment with visual communication using elements of surprise, to create an engaging campagne on a specific topic. Time: 6 hours […]

Organising institution: Karpos Country: Greece Age: 12-17 Key question: Can we tell a story through sounds exclusively? Objectives: Research a theme; Observe, analyse; Structure content for a time based medium, Recognise and develop a narrative Experiment Develop communication and organizational skills within the group. Discover qualities of sound: As expressive medium: duration, rhythm, depth, intensity, synchronicity. As narrative medium: sounds are thought provoking […]

Urban legends
Organising institution: Modern Poland Country: Poland Age: 11- 17 Key question: How to show city historic legends/cultural texts in a creative way using new technologies? Objectives: analysis and interpretation of the text, reformulating the text into your own artistic vision, focusing on the nearest area – placing legends in the locality – work with the city map, use of urban […]

Organising institution: Modern Poland Country: Poland Age: 14-15 Key question: How to talk about emotions with help of new technologies, apps and GIFs? Objectives: develop skills of recognizing and naming emotions, develop self-expression skills, develop openness, ability to interact with strangers, gain competencies of using programs and apps. Time: 6 hours Software and apps to be used: Smartphones, Pixlr app, […]

Organising institution: Modern Poland Country: Poland Age: 14-15 Key question: What does it mean to be a citizen? Objectives: focus on a human being, using smartphones to build relationships, make contact with a stranger understanding citizenship, being aware of the power of photography to convey information, building awareness of being a citizen. Time: 6 hours Software and apps to be used: Collage Maker app, […]

Urban box
Organising institution: Modern Poland Country: Poland Age: 14-15 Key question: How to discover the history of family internal migrations in my town using new technologies? Objectives: focus attention on family stories, use technology to collect family stories, create a story using family memorabilia, digitization of family memorabilia, creation of the memory box, develop competencies needed to use apps and programs. […]

City fonts
Organising institution: Modern Poland Country: Poland Age: 14-15 Key question: How to talk about your city and discover it using new technologies? Objectives: Focus on the neighbourhood. Plan route of a walk using school competencies and applying them creatively with new technologies. Experience city space with different senses – recording sounds and taking pictures with smartphones. Promote being open to […]

Eco-friendly city
Organising institution: Edukaciniai Projektai (EDUPRO) Country: Lithuania Age: 15-17 Key question: How can we make our city friendly to environment? Objectives: To stimulate eco-friendly thinking; Raising community awareness about pollution; Contributing to finding solutions for environmental problems in the city; Proposing concrete solutions to solve concrete problems in the city. Time: 3 workshops x 2 hrs. Software and apps to be used:,,; […]

Day in the museum
Organising institution: Edukaciniai Projektai (EDUPRO) Country: Lithuania Age: 15-17 Key question: Do ICT connect or separate us from our parents, grandparents? Objectives: Using different ICT tools to improve communication between different generations. To transfer learning from schools to museums, galleries. To encourage lifelong learning. To encourage knowledge share between different generations. Time: 6 hours. Software and apps to be used: […]

Mission (im)possible?
Organising institution: Edukaciniai Projektai (EDUPRO) Country: Lithuania Age: 11-12 Key question: How can we improve relations between school, parents and community? Objectives: to use different ICT tools to foster better relation in the class, encourage integration of all students into common activities, removal of tension between different groups in the class; to improve relations between school, parents and community; […]